Emmy Noether Lecture Award – Maria Chiara Carrozza

As part of the Engineering Physics colloquia monthly held at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, renowned researcher and former Italian minister Maria Chiara Carrozza was honoured with the “Emmy Noether Lecture Award” for her exceptional contributions to the fields of science, technology, and public service. Carrozza, currently serving as the President of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), was recognized for her groundbreaking work and outstanding leadership in the pursuit of scientific advancements.

The Emmy Noether Lecture Award is an accolade which will be presented yearly to individuals who have demonstrated exemplary achievements in the fields of physics and engineering, embodying the spirit of innovation, determination, and societal impact. Named after the pioneering German mathematician Emmy Noether, the award serves as a testament to the recipient’s outstanding intellectual contributions.

Carrozza’s illustrious career spans both academia and public service, where she has consistently pushed the boundaries of scientific research while working tirelessly to translate her discoveries into tangible benefits for society. As the President of the CNR, she has played a pivotal role in fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government to drive innovation and stimulate economic growth.

Throughout her career, Carrozza has made significant breakthroughs in the field of robotics and assistive technologies, revolutionising the way we understand human-machine interactions and providing novel solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals with disabilities. Her research has paved the way for advancements in neuroprosthetics, wearable robotics, and rehabilitation engineering, earning her international recognition and acclaim.

Carrozza’s exceptional leadership skills and passion for knowledge dissemination have also been instrumental in shaping science and technology policies at both national and international levels. Her previous role as the Italian Minister of Education, University, and Research allowed her to promote scientific literacy and establish strategic partnerships to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

Upon receiving the prestigious Emmy Noether Lecture Award, Carrozza expressed her deep gratitude and emphasised the importance of interdisciplinary research in addressing the complex challenges of our time. The ceremony at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice was attended by the Rector of the University Tiziana Lippiello, the Director of the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems Maurizio Selva and by the renowned physicist and SuperVenice member Guido Caldarelli, who gave a short lecture on the Noether’s theorem. The session was chaired by the coordinator of the Engineering Physics course Stefano Bonetti. Through a journey across her past activities in the world of science and technology, Carrozza emphasised the role of research institutions and universities in driving technological advancements and nurturing the next generation of innovators.

The conferral of the Emmy Noether Lecture Award upon Maria Chiara Carrozza not only celebrates her remarkable achievements but also inspires aspiring female researchers and young minds to pursue scientific excellence and contribute to the betterment of society. Her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and harnessing technology for the greater good serves as an exemplary model for generations to come.

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