Andrea Auconi
Research Fellow: Theoretical physicist working on complex information in archival texts.

Stefano Bonetti
Full Professor: Experimental condensed matter dynamics, terahertz and X-rays.

Elti Cattaruzza
Full Professor: Synthesis of thin films and characterization of surfaces by physical techniques.

Domenico De Fazio
Associate Professor: Optoelectronics of graphene, layered materials and their hybrids.

Peppino Fazio
Associate Professor: Telecommunication systems, mobile and quantum key distribution networks.

Achille Giacometti
Full Professor: Statistical mechanics of soft matter systems: equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties.

Francesco Gonella
Full Professor: Stock-flow simulations of complex systems dynamics by emergy analysis.

Riccardo Piccoli
Tenure Track: Ultrafast and nonlinear optics, attosecond science and terahertz technology.

Matteo Porro
Associate Professor: Semiconductor radiation detectors and integrated readout electronics.

Flavio Romano
Associate Professor: Numerical simulation of colloidal systems and biology-inspired polymers.