Scientific Unit for Physics and Engineering Research in Venice

Unraveling Topology

30/05/2024 by Achille Giacometti

Unraveling Topology
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Topology, a fascinating branch of mathematics, explores the properties of figures or objects that remain unchanged under continuous deformations—those that do not involve cutt...

Stirred, not shaken, magnetized

15/04/2024 by Stefano Bonetti

Stirred, not shaken, magnetized
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We have succeeded, through the use of a special laser, to make magnetic a material that is normally not such. In addition to its value for fundamental research, the mo...

Quantum Materials: the Discovery of a New State of Matter with Chiral Properties

08/02/2024 by Federico Mazzola

Quantum Materials: the Discovery of a New State of Matter with Chiral Properties
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An international research group has discovered a new state of matter characterized by the existence of a quantum phenomenon called chiral current. These currents are generated...

Cutting-Edge DEPFET Sensor Advances Soft X-ray Imaging

13/11/2023 by Matteo Porro

Cutting-Edge DEPFET Sensor Advances Soft X-ray Imaging
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In a significant leap forward for soft X-ray imaging, an international collaboration led by Professor Matteo Porro (EuXFEL, Germany, and Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Ital...

Hidden Patterns in a Weyl Kagome Semimetal

08/09/2023 by Federico Mazzola

Hidden Patterns in a Weyl Kagome Semimetal
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The study centres on Co3Sn2S2, a magnetic Weyl kagome system. The kagome lattice, a hexagonal network of interconnected triangles, has been a ...

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